Join our online classroom. Anywhere, anytime!
e-Learning Benefits:
Train in the convenience of your own space.
All the same material as our in person facility
Save time and money
Register and pay online and get started right away
Add this to your in person facility training to have access to videos of the material and receive feedback mid week to get the most out of your class.
You can join the class at anytime and get started right away! You will have access to all of the class material and videos for 6 months.
Beginner Obedience Class
In this class we will cover all the basics every well behaved pet should know. Basic Manners and Attention, Sit, Down, Stay, Come (Recalls), Heel (leash walking), Leave It (stop what you’re doing - puppy biting, jumping stealing socks etc and refocus on me), Spin & Rollover. Appropriate for puppies 10 weeks and older. This course is jam packed with information on all of the core behaviors every good dog should know.